Thursday, July 31, 2008

Operation Scheduled Departure Form ICE

ICE's New Way For Illegals To
Self-Deport Without Prison Detainment

Rather than risk getting caught, turn yourselves in.

That's the latest government strategy in its ongoing effort to dramatically reduce the nation's ballooning population of illegal immigrants.

Scheduled to be unveiled next week, it was announced Sunday by Julie Myers, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, in an interview with a Spanish-language television network.

Myers told the network that "Operation Scheduled Departure" will allow illegal immigrants without criminal records a chance to literally "self-deport" by turning themselves in to her agents.

She said the idea derived from a common complaint voiced by immigrant detainees: If given the opportunity, they'd rather just go home than be holed up in immigration prisons.

Under the new program, those still walking free will have the chance to walk into ICE offices, be processed and get a few weeks to arrange their affairs, pack their belongings and ship out of the country without being detained.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why A Romney McCain Ticket Won't Work

McCain and Romney Would Be Like Oil and Water

Prominent evangelical leaders are warning Sen. John McCain against picking former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as his running mate, saying their troops will abandon the Republican ticket on Election Day if that happens.

They say Mr. Romney lacks trust on issues such as outlawing abortion and opposing same-sex marriage and because he is a Mormon. Opposition is particularly powerful among those who supported former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in the Republican presidential primaries earlier this year.

"McCain and Romney would be like oil and water," said evangelical novelist Tim LaHaye, who supported Mr. Huckabee. "We aren't against Mormonism, but Romney is not a thoroughgoing evangelical and his flip-flopping on issues is understandable in a liberal state like Massachusetts, but our people won't understand that."
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Polls, Polls and More Polls... All Different

McCain Ahead Among Likely Voters
In USA TODAY/Gallup Poll

Republican presidential candidate John McCain moved from being behind by 6 points among "likely" voters a month ago to a 4-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama among that group in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. McCain still trails slightly among the broader universe of "registered" voters. By both measures, the race is tight.

The Friday-Sunday poll, mostly conducted as Obama was returning from his much-publicized overseas trip and released just this hour, shows McCain now ahead 49%-45% among voters that Gallup believes are most likely to go to the polls in November. In late June, he was behind among likely voters, 50%-44%.

Among registered voters, McCain still trails Obama, but by less. He is behind by 3 percentage points in the new poll (47%-44%) vs. a 6-point disadvantage (48%-42%) in late June.
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Protests and Counter-Protests In Postville Iowa

Some Protesters Supporting ICE, Some Protesting
Agriprocessors, Some Demanding Immigration Reform
Organizers Imported Protesters From Other States

Supporters came from Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Texas and Wisconsin and elsewhere to participate in the two-mile march that wound through Postville from St. Bridget's to Agriprocessors and to a city park before returning to the church.

Walkers chanted, "Si, se puede" — "Yes, we can" — as they walked, followed by choruses of "People united can't be defeated."

As the group stopped outside the Agriprocessors plant, Rabbi Harold Kravitz, of Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Minneapolis, Minn., told rally-goers that the Jewish community is asking those who prepare meats according to their kosher requirements be held accountable.

A smaller group of about 200 protesters stood across the street from the rally, carrying signs that read, "Thank you ICE," referring to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, and "The more raids the better."
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Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama's Latest Endorsement From Mississippi

Inmate Endorses Obama Before Execution
Bishop's final words were:
"God bless America. It has been great living here. That's all."

Before he died Wednesday evening, death row inmate Dale Leo Bishop apologized to his victim's family, thanked America and urged people to vote for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. "For those who oppose the death penalty and want to see it end, our best bet is to vote for Barack Obama because his supporters have been working behind the scenes to end this practice," Bishop said.

Bishop, 34, was pronounced dead by lethal injection at 6:14 p.m. - the second inmate put to death in Mississippi in two months. Earl Wesley Berry, 49, was executed May 21...

Though Bishop eight years ago had asked a judge for the death penalty, officials said he had changed his mind.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pawlenty Possible For McCain VP Choice

Governor Could Put Minnesota In McCain's Column
Plus Shore Up Nationwide Evangelical Support

The Republican source said "out of the blue" McCain told the gathering that he thinks they are "really going to like" Pawlenty.

This source said McCain may have been talking about Pawlenty because the meeting was with New Hampshire GOP delegates, and the Republican convention is in Pawlenty's state.

But this source said McCain's praise was effusive, and noteworthy because it appeared to come "totally out of left field."

Pawlenty is a long-time supporter of McCain's. He's from a swing state with considerable support across the Republican Party, including evangelicals, and has always been thought by Republican strategists to be on McCain's short list.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Texas Polygamists Indicted

Sex Abuse With Religious Leaders Appears To Have
Become A Despicable, Perverted, Yet Expected Norm

A Texas grand jury Tuesday indicted polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs on a charge of felony sexual assault of a child. Five of his followers have been indicted as well.

Attorney General Greg Abbott said four of Jeffs' followers are charged with one count of sexually assaulting girls under the age of 17. One of the four faces an additional charge of bigamy.

Abbott said a fifth follower is charged with three counts of failure to report child abuse.

The charges follow an ill-fated child custody case in which more than 400 children were placed in foster care. The Texas Supreme Court ruled child welfare authorities overstepped in taking all the children from their parents even though many were infants and toddlers.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another Priest Pervert

Conduct That Harms All Christians,
Even Non-Catholics... When Will This End?

A Franciscan priest from New York has pleaded guilty to charges of raping three teenage boys during overnight trips to Boston in the 1970s and 1980s.

Prosecutors said one victim was attacked in the rectory of a church, and another was attacked in Genevieve's car after a visit to the New England Aquarium.

The 52-year-old priest was a former Franciscan brother at a parish in Troy, N.Y. As part of his sentence, Genevieve was ordered to have no contact with the victims or any children under 16. He must also register as a sex offender and wear a GPS monitoring device.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Dobson May Endorse McCain

Considered A Lesser of Two Evils...

Conservative Christian leader James Dobson has softened his stance against Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, saying he could reverse his position and endorse the Arizona senator despite serious misgivings.

"I never thought I would hear myself saying this," Dobson said in a radio broadcast to air Monday. "... While I am not endorsing Senator John McCain, the possibility is there that I might."

Dobson and other evangelical leaders unimpressed by McCain increasingly are taking a lesser-of-two-evils approach to the 2008 race. Dobson and his guest, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler, spend most of the pretaped Focus on the Family radio program criticizing Democratic candidate Barack Obama, getting to McCain at the very end.
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Can't Stand The Heat? Get Out Of The Kitchen...

Michelle and Barak Obama Cannot Have It Both Ways
No Campaigning - Then No Scrutiny Or Criticism

What gets under Barack Obama's skin? Criticism of his wife, Michelle Obama.

In an interview with Glamour magazine, Obama said attacks on his wife are "infuriating." The likely Democratic presidential nominee blamed the conservative press for going after his wife as if she were the candidate.

Michelle Obama came under fire in February when she said she was proud of her country for the first time in her adult life. She later clarified her remark, saying she has always been proud of her country and was particularly proud to see so many people involved in the political process.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

McDonald's Nevada Franchisee Fined $1 Million For Employing Illegals

Mack Associates Inc. Offered Illegals Names and
Social Security Numbers Belonging To Other People

A company that owns 11 McDonald's restaurants in Nevada was fined one million dollars Wednesday after pleading guilty to employing 58 illegal immigrants.

The company, Mack Associates Inc., knew the employees were illegal immigrants and had offered them names and social security numbers belonging to other people, the US Justice Department said.

The company pleaded guilty in federal court in Las Vegas to conspiracy to encourage and induce an alien's unlawful residence in the United States and aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the country, the department said.

The company's director of operations also pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the country.

And the former vice president of Mack Associates pleaded guilty to inducing an illegal alien to remain in the United States and faces a possible sentence of up to five years in prison and a 250,000 dollar fine.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

San Francisco City and County Board Attack Catholic Church

Will Be Challenged In Court For Violating Constitution

A San Francisco city and county board resolution that officially labeled the Catholic church's moral teachings on homosexuality as "insulting to all San Franciscans," "hateful," "defamatory," "insensitive" and "ignorant" will be challenged tomorrow in court for violating the Constitution's prohibition of government hostility toward religion.

Resolution 168-08, passed unanimously by the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors two years ago, also accused the Vatican of being a "foreign country" meddling with and attempting to "negatively influence (San Francisco's) existing and established customs."

It said of the church's teaching on homosexuality, "Such hateful and discriminatory rhetoric is both insulting and callous, and shows a level of insensitivity and ignorance which has seldom been encountered by this Board of Supervisors."
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Budweiser No Longer An American Beer

America's King Of Beers Goes Belgian
The Cost Is $52 Billion Dollars

Anheuser-Busch's board has accepted a $52 million takeover offer from Belgian brewer InBev, creating the world's largest brewer, the two companies announced late Sunday evening.

The company will be called Anheuser-Busch InBev, and InBev CEO Carlos Brito will be the CEO of the combined company.

The announcement ends a month of hostility between the brewer of Budweiser and InBev, which traded lawsuits when InBev tried to oust A-B's board.
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Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Close Presidential Election?

Latest Rassmusen Poll Show McCain and Obama
In Statistical Dead Heat
(Country Is Still Politically Divided)

For the second straight day, the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows that the race for the White House is tied. Sunday’s numbers show Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 43% of the vote. When "leaners" are included, the two candidates are tied at 46%. For most of the past month-and-a-half, Obama has led McCain by approximately five percentage points. It will take a few more days to determine whether this recent tightening of the race reflects real change or is merely statistical noise.
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